Chris Gocong

Chris Gocong

Chris Gocong is a visual artist with a passion for capturing emotion through portraiture, figurative art and abstraction. The main body of his work is inspired by the commonality of human emotion and consciousness. His pursuit in portraiture is less about copying features to reproduce a likeness, but rather trying to capture the multiple emotional layers of the subject.

Although portraiture is his main interest, Chris doesn’t limit himself to one mode—his artistic expression ranges from cosmic abstractionism, exploratory textural pieces, to visually striking pop art and everything in between. At exhibits, viewers often comment that the collection looks as though it was painted by multiple artists rather than one. Looking deeper though, the common theme throughout can be teased out: the human condition.

Chris prefers to paint with acrylic on canvas, as he tends to paint quickly utilizing layers to achieve the desired visual.

Chris was drafted to the NFL from Cal Poly SLO where he studied biomedical engineering. He played 7 years as a linebacker for the NFL (Philadelphia Eagles ’06-’10;Cleveland Browns ’10-‘12). He came to find art as a creative outlet and meditative practice after retiring from football. He lives in Santa Barbara with his wife and two daughters.


Collection Preview

Bite Me #3 by Chris Gocong
Bite Me #3

Neon Design By: Rod Lathim

Acrylic, Neon on canvas stretched over wood
48” x 48”

The third of a series, Bite Me #3 is a light-hearted collaborative piece embracing the attitude: “I could care less about your opinion.”

painting of david bowie with neon lights by Chris Gocong and Rod Lathim

Neon Design By: Rod Lathim

Acrylic, Neon on canvas stretched over wood
48” x 48”

“Bowie,” painted in an understated black/white palette set against the hot magenta/turquoise neon lightning bolt, makes reference to the celebrity experience: David Bowie the person vs Ziggy Stardust the celebrity icon.
Chris intentionally imbues a longing or almost sad look to Bowie behind the neon mask.

The viewer might draw a comparison between their own inner experience vs the mask presented to the world.

Donyale in Purple by Chris Gocong
Donyale in Purple
Acrylic on board
36" x 36”

This iconic portrait of Donyale Luna, known as the “first black supermodel,” is intentionally painted in a monochromatic royal purple hue, inviting the viewer to see past shades of skin and be drawn in by the eyes. Donyale’s rise to fame in the late 60’s marks a turning point in the fashion industry’s view of what was considered to be beautiful.

Peace Girl by Chris Gocong
Peace Girl
Acrylic on canvas
36” x 72”
Price upon request

Painted in a bold orange/turquoise dichromatic palette, “Peace Girl” attempts to capture a certain fierceness and brightness of a child, who feels comfortable in her own skin regardless of others’ projections.

Picture of a boy with tattoo on his face.
Painting of anthony bourdain with neon colors
Anthony Bourdain 1
abstract with red splash
Abstract with Red Accent
48" x 72"
Abstract painting with grey, pink, white tones
Grey Abstract Series - Centered
24" x 48"
Grey abstract with pink, white tones and hot pink accent
Grey Abstract Series - Pink Accent
30" x 30"
Abstract painting with grey, pink, white tones
18" x 24"
Painting of anthony bourdain with neon colors
Anthony Bourdain #2 1
48" x 48"

Eat at a local restaurant tonight. 
Get the cream sauce. Have a cold pint at 4 o’clock in a mostly empty bar. 
Go somewhere you’ve never been. 
Listen to someone you think may have nothing in common with you. Order the steak rare. Eat an oyster. Have a negroni. Have two. 
Be open to a world where you may not understand or agree with the 
person next to you, but have a drink with them anyways. 
Eat slowly. 
Tip your server. Check in on your friends. Check in on yourself. Enjoy the ride. 

-Anthony Bourdain

portrait of christopher wallace with vibrant colors and texture
Christopher Wallace
36" x 36"
Price Upon Request
portrait of bob dylan with neon highlights
Bob Dylan
48" x 48"
Price Upon Request
Pour Your Heart Out by Chris Gocong
Pour Your Heart Out 1

Co-Artist: Mandy Gocong
Neon Design By: Rod Lathim

Acrylic, Neon, Steel Mesh on canvas stretched over wood
48” x 48”

Pour Your Heart Out is an attempt to remind both the artist(s) and viewer: where and when it counts, do not be held back by limitations from within and without. Put it all out there and embrace life or risk regret.

Bite Me #3 by Chris Gocong
painting of david bowie with neon lights by Chris Gocong and Rod Lathim
Donyale in Purple by Chris Gocong
Peace Girl by Chris Gocong
Picture of a boy with tattoo on his face.
Painting of anthony bourdain with neon colors
abstract with red splash
Abstract painting with grey, pink, white tones
Grey abstract with pink, white tones and hot pink accent
Abstract painting with grey, pink, white tones
Painting of anthony bourdain with neon colors
portrait of christopher wallace with vibrant colors and texture
portrait of bob dylan with neon highlights
Pour Your Heart Out by Chris Gocong